So, Here we go then. I've picked up the Aligner, I've had it for 24 hours and so far I have decided.... I'm doing it wrong!!
I picked it up at half 5 (17th Feb) and I kept it in pretty much all night. Taking it out to eat and brush my teeth but it's going back in easily enough. Happy days. The first time I took it out after about 4 or 5 hours, I could actually feel my teeth ache. I think this is quite promising. There's obviously pressure and that can only be a good thing. One of the outer springs seems to be jammed into my gum but it doesn't hurt and I can't even feel it. The front bar does seem to move quite a lot. I'm not entirely sure if it should be worn straight accross the front incisors or lower or higher up? It moves to all three positions and I didn't think it would. Anyway, successful first evening I thought. Decided to go to sleep with it in. I want this done quickly so the more I wear it the quicker it'll get done.
I wake after about an hours sleep. Obviously it's alien for me to go to sleep with something in my mouth so I'm not moody about waking up. However, I appear to not be wearing my IA anymore! It's in my hand!! I popped it back in and went back to sleep. Woke up an hour later, IA in my hand again!!! This happened 5 times in all. I'm taking the thing out in my sleep. This is not good. I was relying on sleep time as part of my 16-20 hour quota.
Get up, go to work, take IA. Put in IA after breakfast. Take out IA after first phonecall. THAT is something I am not prepared to do yet! I can't even say the usual phone greeting, I can't say the brands I sell (It's ToSSSCCCHHHHiba and SSCCCHHHamSSSCCCHHHung!!) I can say my name and Hello. Not really ideal. The IA goes back in sporadically throughout the day, when the phone is quiet. Reckoned I managed about 5 hours all told but it started to feel really weird. The back plate bit (I've since found out is called The Lingual Assembly) doesn't seem to sit properly behind my teeth. It drops to below the tooth line and you can see it and it seems to be pulling down on the part at the back that holds it into place. I can move the lingual assembly back into place but as soon as I talk, it falls out again. Also, I can actually flip the whole thing out of place with my top lip.
I'm going back tomorrow for it to be tightened. As long as my dentist isn't off sick again ;o)
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